Hello i am Cami!!

I’m from colombia for that reason, my favorites artist don’t go but if namjoon or twice go to colombia and i don’t have the money  to buy the ticket for concert, i can help in a foundation of childrens, elderly,  Trees. i thing i can do that becouse in my school 1 time of the year  i go to a foundation of elderly, i be a voluntir in a fundation of childrens, i thave a fram i can help to plant some plants, maybe i can help whit pets becouse in my fram i have 6 pets, maybe work in a library or in a school for help the students whit hers classe or whit the students don’t understan, that concert be importan for me becouse my idols are for other par of the word an in many place of asia the pepol only thing all the sudamerican pepol ar mexican and no much artist go to latinoameriaca, i think i can word whit https://www.facebook.com/mujerestrabajandoporelmeta/ or https://teamseas.org/ or doing robots  to help in the osean whit the plastic.

Thanks for reading 🙂