I chose number 2
If I produce a new product which is fair trade, I would choose Japanese animation.
Animators are paid too little for their hard work. The current situation, the average annual income of Japanese animators is below the average annual income of Japanese people. I think this situation is strange. That is because anime is very important part of Japanese culture and large amount of detailed and difficult work nevertheless it doesn’t pay salary that much amount of work done. Therefore 90 percent rate of turnover. In addition working conditions in Japan are so bad that talented people are flowing to other countries with better working conditions.
In this state Japanese anime will decline in the future. If I could produce animation as a fair trade product, I think animators would be even more powerful than now and we could protect Japanese anime culture.
That’s why I chose animation as a fair trade.
I was surprised Japanese animators’ annual income is below the average annual income of Japanese people.
We have to think we can do